Bertram Lakes Cabins

BERTRAM POSTCARD 1906There have always been questions as to the existence of cabins on the property, especially near Bertram Lake.

In 1901, a man named Daniel Worthling owned lot #4 of section 9 and lot #3 of section 17 in Monticello Township. These lots included the land from the Bertram Lake Beach north to County Road 39. By 1915, these same plots of land were owned by William Kiebel who built a farmstead just west of the new YMCA Camp.

Between the dates of 1901-1910, this postcard was sent to Newton, Iowa. It is dated September 1, 1906, and it is noted on the card, “This is where your SS (social studies) teacher is spending her vacation.” In the photograph, a girl is fishing with a cane pole sitting on what appears to be a slab of cement. In the background there are two women, a young child and a tent. The location is at Bertram Beach with the oak trees. In the upper right of the photo is the gap in the trees where the access road enters.

Camping, it appears, has at least been happening since the early 1900’s, and continued into the early 1990’s. As for cabins, very little is known and it has been speculated about over the years. Rumor has it that at least three cabins were located west of the beach alongside of the trail leading to the new chalet building. One site may have been located right under the current path from the parking lot.

Continued research is needed, but it is known that the area at and near the beach has been enjoyed by many generations of nature lovers!
