Land Ordinance of 1785

In 1784, the Continental Congress had a perplexing situation to deal with.  Under the Articles of Confederation, Congress did not have the ability to raise revenue through taxation.  The only way out was to sell land that was available in the then Northwest Territory.  Because of this, the then Continental Congress created the Land Ordinance of 1785, an effort led by Thomas Jefferson, for the dispersement of the land.


In order to sell the new land there needed to be a method developed for its distribution.  The New England Colonies were created on the basis of community development and systematic planning, while the Southern Colonies followed a free flowing individualistic system.  The Ordinance authors chose to reflect the New England system and by doing so, developed the Township Pattern that is still used today.  Under this system, townships were laid out in squares, 6 miles on a side with each divided into 36 sections (see diagram at right).

Each 1 square mile = 640 acres.

As the new county of the United States progressed and land became available through treaties with the Native Americans, new states were formed and the land was available (through the government) to settlers.


Why do I mention all of this?  Because, in 1862, with the establishment of the Homestead Act, land became available for very low prices and because of the Civil War, George Bertram was granted land at the south of end of Bertram Lake.  It included land in the NE corner of section 20 and land in the SE corner of section 17.

It should also be noted that the Land Ordinance of 1785 established that Section 16 of each Township be set aside for education.  Section 16 of Monticello Township includes most of Long Lake and the land east of it, which when sold, the proceeds going to help pay for the building of the school in Monticello.and the land was available (through the government) to settlers.  The states of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin and Minnesota were established as the land became available. The Treaty of Traverse du Souix (1851) allowed land to be plotted according to the township system and in time, the county of Wright and Monticello Township were established.

   Note to Ponder:  How do you establish a flat, square grid on a round globe?






