Jim’s History Corner – The “Y’s” Men

Jim’s History Corner – The “Y’s” Men

As one walks the property of Bertram Lakes, a person will see several “plantation” pine trees.  These “plantation” pines were planted by a group of men from the New Hope Branch of YMCA.  This group is known as the “Y”’s Men (nice play on words).

These men were volunteers who conducted activities to help raise money for YMCA projects.  Tree_FarmDuring the 60’s, 70’s, and 80’s one of the major fundraisers was the sale of Christmas trees throughout the Twin Cities area.  In order to raise the number of trees needed, they established a planting program whereby they would plant thousands of seedlings each spring.  After a few years, the young trees were pruned into the shape of a Christmas tree.

In November, they would spend a week cutting and bundling the trees for sale.  These trees were much desired by the Cities people because of their freshness, color, and reasonable price.

Remember to tell your friends about Jim’s History Corner and the Friends of Bertram Chain of Lakes.
